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ATCO Group

The ATCO Group is a publicly-traded Canadian engineering and logistics holding company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. The company's subsidiaries include electric utilities, natural gas production, and distribution companies, as well as construction companies.


In addition to improving existing digital materials, we are working on developing new, in-house materials that are supported by our digital team.

In order to give you a better understanding of my skills and knowledge, I have selected a variety of projects below for you to review.

Development of AEM's templates, components, and the design system for

ReLoad - SaaS Management Site

Development of a Logistique platform for the Canadian federal government that supports the Army internationally.

Mini Projects

A lot of the work we do at ATCO is also developing smaller applications and sites, which are usually very straight forward and do not require wireframing or research.

Find out about the numerous 'Mini' projects I've worked on.

IDES - ATCO Internal Design System

The development of our internal design system, which is based on Flutter and Material Design.

ATCOpedia - Knowledge sharing 

ATCOpedia is a tool for capturing and sharing knowledge, project learning, and expertise across ATCO. In addition to supporting our growth as a learning organization, this responsive site also allows us to create, acquire, and transfer knowledge.

Origins Map

The creation of a responsive website that enables ATCO employees to interact with one another, share their origins and discover the diversity among them.

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