Project X
Project X is a responsive logistics management software.
I participated in creating this project while working for Atco but for a third part company, so, unfortunately, because of the sensitivity of this project, I won't be able to reveal the third part company name and the real project name.
As the nature of this project is confidential I have hide and change the brand identity of the design to publish my design work in my portfolio.
User experience • User interface • Research • Information architecture • Prototyping

When I was first introduced to this project the original scoop presented to "client X" was a rugged view / di
only 1 personas was in the scoop, but more and more we kepts on going though the process we understood that we had to include 2 more personas to our proposal and also incorporate their flow into our designs.
we have understood that the return flow needed to be included in our proposal which required a creation of a third personas.
Logistic planner (The main approver).
Soldier on the field (The receiver)
Drop point (Drop point Guy)
For the purpose of this project, I will explain who our 3 personas were.
The main approver: He will be in charge of approving all orders and creating new "Area of incidents".
The receiver: Who will be receiving and using the items, but also will be able to make new order for specific "Area of incidents", it will have just to go though "the main approver" to be sent to our keychain.
and the Drop point guy, who will be in charge of reporting error in items, he will also be able to re-order items if something was missing or reporting any issues of broken items and co.
While working with the third part company we had access to man that was able to explain us there current process, so we were able to define the pain points and adjust them in the new flow creation.
There previous process didn't included much of technologies but they were more old school so a lot of mistake happened on the road, which we were able to adjust them in our new proposed platform.
I have chosen to display the supply sticky on the right side of the blabla since this has an impact on the supply since we want to prepolulate items based on the data inserts in the input, we also give the user the choice to do so since not all planer will want to use this feature
a forth personas would be included as well in our latters steps. this person will be in charge of receiving and approving the orders, and let the other user know about capacity.
This is a 1 platform which has 3 different access / flows / personas using it, with 3 different stories and fonctionalities.
It's 1 floe that is divide into 3 different experience for 3 different personal.
imagine a house with 3 doors, each door take you to another area of the house, so each person is going though a different experience, but they are all related to that same house.
To help creating our flow we've decided asking for few real-world worth case scenarios, like this we will be able to adjust the flow to most scenarios and would avoid mistakes in latter steps.
User confirm when receiving order.
Report issue?
send back un-wanted orders.
Pick location+when for shiping back
Pick up time, time gape.
The flow was divide in 3 different phase:
1. Pre deployment phase
sergent on the field > order supplies > Logistics hub > Logistic planner > Logistic planner > confirm suply/ found supply > Logistics hub > Sergent James
2. post deplement phase
Soldier > order suplies > Logistics hub > Logistic planner > Soldier
3. Logistics hub (Request + Shipping + Supplies information + Status)
Quatity / Location/ weather / Weither/complication that delay the order / supplie inventory / Confirm suply inventory / Create a logistic requisition request to / Tracking the order / view different status / Receive the soldat order / Quantity / Tracking all order, to review all orders from all times / Unvalable supplie / View amount of supplies orders / Receiving an order / Sending the order / Update status / Definining what’s available / Ordering new supplies for the soldier
As a logistics planner at the brigade and division levels, I want to create a baseline logistic plan automatically based on the threat identified so that I can respond quickly
As a logistics planner at the brigade and division levels, I want automatically adjust the supplies required by location and environmental factors so I know what uspplies to mobilize to that threat
As a logistic planner at the brigade and division levels, I want to identify the location of the supplies required so that I can begin to mobilize equipment to the threat location quickly
As a logistic planner at the brigade and division levels, I want to visualize and share complex logistic information, so that we can make more informed decisions
As a logistics planner at the battalion (QM or CQMS) level, I want to confirm demand and supply inventory levels difitally (rugged view) in the field, so that logistics plannners at the brigade and division levels can fulfill orders quickly and monitor inventory levels.
Blockchain: As a logistic planner at the brigade and division levels, I want to know where supplies are and who was involved in approving, delivering and accepting delivered supplies, so that I have better records and added assurance of supply inventory
Distance to disaster area from Staging area/ Safe airfield or Nearest town area will be pre-populated base on the location inserted in the previous tab.
user capacity / Nearest town (Latitude/Longitude) / Staging area (Latitude/Longitude) / Safe Airfield (Latitude/Longitude) will be also pre-populated based on the data insert in blabla.
Trop capacity will get update each time a user is responding to the incident.
First thing I want to speak about:
After leaving our last meeting last week around what will be into the operation modals I had to figure out how it will look like as inputs into our designs, so I have started to re-organise those (show the legend and show examples of ration / and water and)
Let’s enter the platform
When I first enter the platform has a logistic planner
1. I have 3 different menus, the home page which contain both orders and operations currently active, and then an history tab and also inventory.
2. The main 2 actions for this user are Create a new order and create a new operation, so those call to actions are constantly sticky on the left navigation bar.
3. On the home page while being on the order section I have access to all of the orders currently processing.
4. I can track their status such as “New order” which define a new order from a Soldier on the field of the DP Guy.
I want to built a rule that new orders from dp guy or soldier on the field will always jump at the top of the list and that after an order has been delivered it will still stay on this page for 24h until before it disappears and appears only on the history page.
5. As a logistic planner I can also filter my orders such as “by Operation” for example like this we will be able to see only the orders from his current operation he is working for.\
6. I can also decide which information to see.
7. Have a search bar if I am looking for a specific order
On the operation tab:
Very similar to the order one.
I can also watch their status such as : active operation
2. I can also filter.
3. search in the search bar
4. I have added an extra feature to the operation screens which is the map view. This would be a nice to have. I am taking in consideration that different kind of users / logistic planner will be using the platform, so some user may found it more easily to navigate through the operation with a map view where you can see different kind of pin of the different incident currently active.
5. I did an example of how it could look like on mobile, since I am creating a responsive design with flater.
Creation of an operation:
1. As a logistic planner while creating an operation I will have access to 3 different tabs. 1. Operation, 2. Extra info which will need to get renamed and help of a copy strategiest and 3. supplies.
2. I will go though all of the tabs and explain their stories.
3. The operation section includes all of the main information the logistic planner needs to insert to create an operation, such has the operation names , type, date, priority, estimation days of the operation the location of the operation and who will participate in it.
4. The extra info section will mainly have the pre-populated information such has the weather which is impacted by the location of the disaster the user has enter, same as terrain safe airfield, staging area and co.
I had added a “More gps location” call to action since for example we would have maybe more that 1 nearest town to the disaster.
This section contain also all of the prepopulated data that can not be modify but that are impacted by the inputs too such has the distance to disaster area and troop avaibility, which will get updated with time, once the operation is created.
We have also included a life support section, that was a last minute update.
5. Now let’s jump to the supplies.
Something that has changed a little from our current flow creation is that I wanted all of the orders to be connected to the operations themself, so the logistic planner will be able to track each order more easily while opening his operations.
So we have decided together with Alicia to change the user flow a little bit since our last updates from last week about what the operation modals includes didn’t fit our flow as well, so I had to adjust.
As a logistic planner I will be in charge of setting up a Pick up/delivery location. It will always be the same, so users don’t have to define it for each order.
What does an order includes?
1. The “information” call to action icon is the information about , who created this order, who last updated it and when.
2. We have also included a comments section for each order and each operation so all of the different type of user can stay connected and stay up to date about any concerns for example.
3. And of course I have also included the status of the orders.
4. talk about the add supplie type cta. And supplie type.
5. Talk about auto re-supply feature.
6. Talk about the water graph
7. talk about pre-populated items.
8. Talk about the different status of the items. (While an order has been approved, the user will be able to see all of the avaibilities of each items
Quickly talk about the NEW order pages:
Talk about the DP GUY and the soldier on the field screens:
So we have decided together with Alicia to change the user flow a little bit since our last updates from last week about what the operation modals includes didn’t fit our flow, so I had to adjust.
An information call to action this will be , who created, last update by and when.
We have included a comments section for each order and each operation so all of the different type of user can stay connected and stay up to date about any concers for example.
Status for each item. And each order.
Talk about auto re-supply feature.
Talk about the water graph (Andy mentioned wanted to have visualise informations)
Pick up/delivery location will always be the same, so we don’t have to define one for each order.
1. Does the logistic planner make any orders?
2. Does the logistic planner is the one setting up the pick/up locationlocation ?
3. Does the DP guy has access to the prediction section?
4. Does the logistic planner at a higher level needs to access histories of orders and operations?
SIA Presentation Video
Scoop has change, We are doing a presentation which will have a video implemented.
So have created a story board (Show story board)
I have create my prototypes based on those stories (Show prototype)
Explain about video (Use rotato, use voice hover, use after effect.
Show video, explain the video is a sketch, so there is bugs, since to animate I have done screen recording, so don’t put to much intention to this, I just wanted to showcase you what I am doing for the meeting.
Spring into action presentation:
After our last meeting and the frustration around what I have designing using dark mode, which is understable because the people in the meeting weren’t used to this kind of display, I got new directions that I will be designing following another ATCO platform, “The real estate platform” , so using a light mode and ATCO branding and removing all of the dark mode idea for now.
Before I show you what has been created for this release I want to share with you more insights about my decision, and why in first place I even proposed using “dark mode”.
Design for all scenarios.
My goal as a UX designer is to design for the concerned users that will be using the platform I am working on.
Not all platforms has the same goals and the same type of users.
So for example if I am asked to design a platform for Yong childs talking about candies, the looks and feel will be very different than an airline company for example, and the decisions around colours and copy font too.
The benefits of dark mode in general:
1. Perform better in dark location.
2. Reduce eye strain and dry eyes.
3. Can help people with light sensitivity or visual impairment.
4. just looks awesome.
5. Is more popular and more used for dashboard platforms.
But what is my main why I proposed using in the first place.
We are designing for the military which everyone will be using the platform in different lights and situations. Someone could be seating in a desk planning an operation or a soldier/quarter master on the field at night trying to order supplies.
So having both options light and dark will fit better the needs of our users.
As you can even see from your mobile phones today, all android and ios, computer such as apple are proposing this feature as well.
WORK Place
Customize (user gives definition)
Spring into action 15 minute presentation
Hello everyone, so today I will be presentation a quick overview of a project we are creating for the Canadian Military.
The project is the creation of logistic management platform for the Canadian Army.
The project is divided in few phases, “Milstone 1” and “Milstone 2” for now until we know if the Canadian government is buying our idea in September..
Milstone 1 is a 3 months phase which contain the creation of the POC (Proof of concept) of our solution.
and Milstone 2 is a 3 months phase where we actualy get to developed our platform.
Our initial scoop was the creation of a rugged view for a soldier on the field to order supplies more easily,(voice regniation to order supplies) and the use of blockchain to pre-populated data based on inputs.
Thanksfuly we have access to a current Logistic planner on the field that is able to explain the team their current process, so we are able to define their pain points and adjust the design and the flow.
This project is 1 platform that contain 3 different flows. Imagine a house with 3 doors, each door take you to another area of the house, so each person is going though a different experience, but they are all related to that same house.
This project has currently a very complex flow, mainly because the military approval system is very stricked.
My responsibilities in this project are:
Define user’s epics and stories together with the team.
Creation of the users’s flow and information architecture of the platform.
Creation of the design guidelines (e.q typography, components, styling, widgets, grid,colours and co.)
Creation of the wireframes to final UI design.
Show them the flow and the wireframes
We actualy did some mistake on the flow because our guy on the field was mainly talking an army gargon, so it happened that we missed key information, so the flow you see here has been throught some modification which you will mainly see in our Wireframing stage.
When the flow was completed and then we jumped to wireframing we understood that this project was getting too big, and we had to remember this is a proof of concept and that our main goals was to mainly showcase what was on our initial proposal.
So we decided on the design to actually combined all of the features of all of the personas to actualy present what our capabilities are and what we can do.
Originaly I have created a prototype that was supposed to be shared to the government for milstone 1, but then our plans changed and we were asked to only present a report.
We tried to found a way how we can be original and maybe present something extra joining the report to showcase them our project more properly, this is why we have created a video.
Here is the video.
Since last week we know that we did go through Milstones one which is a BIG WIN for the team. So now we are focusing on actualy developing the App, and hopefuly we will go throught milstone 2 in september.
Working for ATCO has been challenging since our digital team is very young, and my position required me to educate the business around the importance of a great user experience.
One of the most complex projects I have undertaken for ATCO was the development of a platform for the Canadian federal government that will support the Canadian Army internationally.
I will not be able to offer a complete overview of the project due to confidentiality reasons.
The project was divided into two phases.
The first phase was to develop the POC (Proof of Concepts) of the solution we are offering to the army, and the second phase was to develop the solutions.
Our initial scoop and solution included two main features that would address their current pain points, but as we went through the project, we realized that we had to include 2 more personas as well as incorporate their flow into our proposal.
Thankfully we were able to contact a soldier on the ground who explained the team's process so we could identify the pain points and adjust the workflow.
The project consists of a single platform with three different flows.
Imagine a house with three doors, each one leading to a different area of the house. Each person experiences something different, but all of them are related to the same house.
As of now, this project has an extremely complex flow due to a very strict approval system used by the military.
My main responsibilities in this project:
Identify and define user stories.
Design of the user flow and the platform's information architecture.
Conducting usability testing on the "Maze" platform.
Running interviews and creating question forms to understand better the user.
Design of the wireframes to the final UI.
The creation of the design guidelines (e.g. typography, components, styling, widgets, grid, colors, and so on).
As the first step in this project, I created our "user stories", which were concise descriptions of the features and functionalities written from the perspective of our users.
Having completed my stories, I created our user flow in collaboration with the team and our soldier on the ground. We were able to determine the business and our end-users perspective, identify our users' needs, and understand how our visitors would navigate through the platform.
In my first prototype step, I used paper prototype for low fidelity designs; this allowed us to visualize a variety of concepts, as well as define and plan our information hierarchy.
I then created higher fidelity digital wireframes using Figma and prototyped those in order to be able to run usability tests and improve our experience before moving onto the final design step and the creation of our design system.
Initially, I designed a prototype that would be presented to the government in our POC presentation, but then we were only asked to share a report with them.
Our team tried to think of how we can present our project in a unique way and maybe add something extra to the report, so I created a 2-minute video featuring our prototype and voice hover to demonstrate our idea more clearly.
This video has been created using After-effects and Rotato for a realistic simulation of our app on desktop and mobile devices using 3D animations.
The team got notified at the end of June 2021 that we did make it through "Step 1" so that is a huge accomplishment. Our focus now is on developing the application in order to take it to the next step.
If you would like to discuss a project, Let's get in touch ✌️
(+1) 780 777 4409
Copyright © Lea Elkaim.